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Neurodivergent-Affirming Therapy

Therapy that validates and honors what works for you, even if you're still discovering what that means. 

Green House

What is Neurodivergence?

Neurodivergence (ND) refers to natural variations in how the brain works. It encompasses conditions such as ADHD, Autism, CPTSD, and more. 

Neurodivergent-Affirming Therapy

Neurodivergent therapy means that your neurotype is validated and your therapist can respect, acknowledge, and understand the unique ways you move through the world. Many of us are not only misunderstood, but also feel disconnected in therapy because our experience of the world is different than what is "typical", or certain techniques don't work for us. Affirming therapy works with what works for you, without shame and expectation. This can include sensory needs, pacing of therapy, explaining a therapy intervention, or finding ways to safely reconnect with the body that are not overwhelming. Read more about ND-affirming practice here.

Why ND-affirming therapy matters?

Neurodivergent-affirming therapy isn't just about addressing neurodivergent traits and diagnosis—it's about understanding how those traits intersect with other aspects of your life and providing appropriate and useful space to address the topics bringing you to therapy in the first place. Whether it's anxiety, transitions, relationship difficulties, or self-esteem issues, therapy can help identify intersecting patterns and empower you to make meaningful changes in ways that take into account all of your needs. 

ADHD, Autism and AuDHD

I work specifically with late-diagnosed (including self-diagnosed) ADHD and Autistic folks. Late diagnosis often comes with its own set of challenges, including feelings of grief/relief, confusion, and exhaustion from masking. Therapy can provide a safe space to explore these feelings, work through what it means to apply this new lens to the experiences of your life, and develop coping strategies tailored to you.  It can take time to uncover the many layers of misunderstandings, trauma, and disconnection that are tied to not previously understanding yourself, all of which you deserve to process in a safe environment.

Relationships and Communication

Our neurotypes significantly influence how we communicate and engage within relationships, particularly in romantic partnerships where misunderstandings can lead to feelings of isolation and hurt. As a neurodivergent couples therapist, I offer a unique understanding to each partner, facilitating a bridge between their differing neurotypes (or experiences of their neurotype). By uncovering the underlying frameworks guiding each individual's behavior, we can cultivate new channels of communication that deepen connection and fulfill both partners' needs.

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